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Japan and the European Union

Together with Japan and the European Union; World's Largest Merchandise Agreement

- This is an important deal on the backdrop of trade between America and China

- The third part of the world's GDP and the population of 63.50 million is that of the contract

 However, if Britain leaves the EU without any agreement, then Britain will not get any benefit from this agreement.

 What will happen because of this agreement:

- In Japan, wine and cheese at low prices, the European Union will get the vehicles at a lower cost.

- According to the new agreement, export duty on beef will not be reduced by 40%, chocolate export tax 30%, wine at 15% and cheese will not be reduced to 40%. So the EU exports will increase and jobs will be created.

-Taxes on vehicles exported to Japan from European Union will be up to zero by 2027. So, Japan's GDP will increase by 1 percent.

- The contracting companies will also be benefiting from the service providers because these companies will now be able to get the public sector work done.

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